Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thurs May 10th

Jon has had a good day in the sense that he had not thrown up for 24 hrs as of 5pm tonight. He is eating a regular diet in the attempt to wean him off of the tpn. They figure about another 4-5 days. We saw a neuro opthamologist today at the Alex. He confirmed the diagnosis of opsoclonus ( he basically said the pathway between the fixation point being his eyes and the cerebellum in his brain are mixed up )and felt the tests had sufficiently ruled out a tumour. He feels the opsoclonus is either infection or autoimmune, but the IV steroids cover this therefore he agrees with the current medication regime. He could not however give us a definitive time frame for the relief of symptoms, nor could he tell us if he would be left with any cerebellar dysfunctions or any of the current symptoms. Please continue to pray for the symptoms to clear, strength for Jon both physically and emotionally. We are still awaiting a MRI this week or next.
Thank you again for all your continued support and prayers
The Craig's


Nancy M said...

Isaiah 40:31 keeps coming up as I pray for you, "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." We keep praying that Jon will soon be walking, and running and soaring again; all in God's strength. I know that God continues to stregthen you as well Teresa. We keep praying...

Ann Donaldson said...

Great news to hear there's finally a diagnosis. I immediately went online and the information is encouraging, especially since a tumor has been ruled out. Hopefully the MRI will help with treatment, and I am praying Jon will be able to keep liquids/food down sooner than later.

Please know that the Craig Family are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Things will improve ... as it says in the Bible, Psalm 55:22, "Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you. He will never let the righteous be shaken."

God bless you all.

Brenda Odovichuc said...

I encourage you to contact my friends, Gen & Cam Grant. Barry Rendall has their phone number. Gen was diagnosed with this same rare condition about 4 years ago. They are your fellow sister and brother in-Christ who want to provide their support.

On Christ, the solid rock, I stand!