Friday, May 4, 2007

Friday, May 4

Hello all
Thank you to everyone who has and continues to pray for Jon and us as a family. Thank you for your support, wonderful meals, cleaning, playdates, visits, gardening, fixing van lights, birthday parties etc.
Jon has had a day like yesterday vomiting only once. He was able to sit up in a chair for 15 min today without vomiting.
He is still very weak and tired, but the TPN will help this.
He is to see a general internist the beginning of next week to see if there is any other investigations needed and we are still waiting on some lab work that takes a week to ten days.
We still do not have a confirmed cause (whether viral or not ) for this opsoclonus myclonus.
Please continue to pray for healing of symptoms, doctors to determine cause of illness and daily strength for Jon both physical and emotional.
Thank you for loving us as a family.
The Craig's

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