Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wednesday May 29th

Hello all
It has been awhile since we updated but we have been busy with family here. Teresa's dad left last week, Jon's sister and her family arrived Monday and they head out tomorrow. The kids have enjoyed having their cousins here.
Jon continues to make progress . His MRI was negative last week and the neurologist was content with it. He is walking without a walker now. He has been five days without vomiting. PTL that is the longest stretch to date. He is maintaining his weight and all bldwork is improving. He has had some outings over the last week and has tolerated them okay. While they tire him, it is a good tired and have helped his emotional state greatly, so thank you to those who have taken time to take him out.
We still face challenges of reading, driving and the potential of relapse now that we are weaning off the prednisone.
Thank you again to those who have provided meals, driven to appointments, minded and children and prayed for us as a family.
Your continued prayer is appreciated as Jon continues to recover fully.
Thank you
The Craig's

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday May 19th

Hello all, just a note to let you know Jon is very happy to be home, not that we didn't get great care in hospital because we did. There is just no place like home. He continues to throw up once a day, but he has not lost any more weight since Tuesday. My dad arrived on Wednesday and the kids are enjoying wrestling with him, playing games and even baking (Sam). My dad has been walking with Jon twice a day weather permitting around the neighbourhood. Again please continue to pray for patience for Jon as activities of daily living remain a challenge. Being at home allows him to be with the kids and he is enjoying that also.
The Craig's

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tuesday May 15

Jon is home from hospital!!! That is great news. He will have the repeat MRI Friday and there is some bloodwork and follow-up appointments with the Doctors next week. Jon still has been vomiting some. The Doctors are not concerned, but it weighs heavily on Jon of course, as he is desperate to feel better.

Teresa's Dad arrives tomorrow from Ontario to be a help here.

Pray for rest for the whole family. Pray that Jon will not be discouraged in this recovery period.

Thanks to all for your prayers and practical help.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Monday May 14th

PTL they are going to discharge Jon tomorrow, providing he remains status quo overnight. He had a good day today. He has not vomited since Sun at breakfast. Walking and reading still remain a challenge for him. Please continue to pray for complete healing and recovery. We are booked for his MRI on Fri am as an outpatient. Pray for the kids as they adjust to dad being home again after 2 and half weeks and not at his full capacity. Thank you to our family and friends for all your support and generosity we could not have come this far without it.
The Craig's

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sunday May 13th

Hello all
The weekend was a busy one for the Craig's. We saw Jon's parents off to the airport on Saturday and Jon had a day pass on Sunday to have Mothers day dinner with us at the Moore's. We all had a great time and Jon was encouraged to be outside the hospital walls ( especially since he vomited breakfast Sun morning and was feeling discouraged ). The TPN is off now with the assumption Jon can keep down solid food and enough calories ( which prior to today he went 3 and 1/2 days without vomiting) . He had an ultrasound on Fri to check his liver and it was normal. We are still awaiting an MRI early this week. If it is good and he is still eating okay they will discharge him this week. Please continue to pray for Jon's peace of mind as we continue this journey and suffer possible setbacks that they told us might happen . Pray for us as a family as we encourage Jon. Pray for continued healing for his walking, tremors and eye movements.
The Craig's

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thurs May 10th

Jon has had a good day in the sense that he had not thrown up for 24 hrs as of 5pm tonight. He is eating a regular diet in the attempt to wean him off of the tpn. They figure about another 4-5 days. We saw a neuro opthamologist today at the Alex. He confirmed the diagnosis of opsoclonus ( he basically said the pathway between the fixation point being his eyes and the cerebellum in his brain are mixed up )and felt the tests had sufficiently ruled out a tumour. He feels the opsoclonus is either infection or autoimmune, but the IV steroids cover this therefore he agrees with the current medication regime. He could not however give us a definitive time frame for the relief of symptoms, nor could he tell us if he would be left with any cerebellar dysfunctions or any of the current symptoms. Please continue to pray for the symptoms to clear, strength for Jon both physically and emotionally. We are still awaiting a MRI this week or next.
Thank you again for all your continued support and prayers
The Craig's

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Wednesday afternoon May 9

Jon's file was reviewed by the special clinic and they have now ruled out the vestibular neuronitis that the Doctors had thought might be happening. Therefore, he is not a candidate to be seen at the clinic. Instead, Jon will see a neuro-ophthalmologist at 1 pm tomorrow at the Royal Alexandra hospital. He also awaits the repeat MRI.

Jon continues to vomit anything he attempts to put in his mouth; twice last night and again this morning. They had tried to give his medication via mouth, but have switched back what medication they could to the IV route.

Thanks for praying and continue to pray for a diagnosis and relief of Jon's symptoms.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tuesday May 8

The Doctors seem to think that Jon has a condition called vestibular neuronitis (nerve inflammation). Jon is now waiting to be seen by a clinic that specializes in this. The waiting list is one year. Please be praying that he can be seen this week. It will likely not change the treatment plan, but it will hopefully confirm things. They will also repeat the MRI this week.

It seemed that Jon was having a better day. He was up walking, and he tolerated a full fluid diet; that is until he vomited again tonight. Nonetheless, this is progress.

Jon's Mom will be returning to Ontario on Saturday, but Teresa's Dad will be flying here on Wednesday next week (May16.)

This is week 5 of Jon's illness, so please pray for Jon and Teresa's morale. Please pray for a timely vestibular clinic appointment, and for daily improvement in Jon's condition

Thank-you all for your continued prayers.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Monday May 7th

Jon had a so so day today. More vomiting than the past few days.
We saw Dr Gibson (general internest) today and he felt all the sufficient tests have been done to rule out a tumour. He feels we are looking at a virus and need to now let the symptoms run out ( which can take days to weeks). He has changed a few medication around to try and help his vomiting.
Jon went for a walk with physio today and did well. Physio will work with him daily to improve his strength.
We hope to see the neurologist tomorrow or Thurs.
He has gained two pounds since last Wednesday and continues on the TPN.
Please continue to pray for cessation of symptoms especially the vomiting, and patience to wait for the symptoms to run their course.
The Craig's

Friday, May 4, 2007

Friday, May 4

Hello all
Thank you to everyone who has and continues to pray for Jon and us as a family. Thank you for your support, wonderful meals, cleaning, playdates, visits, gardening, fixing van lights, birthday parties etc.
Jon has had a day like yesterday vomiting only once. He was able to sit up in a chair for 15 min today without vomiting.
He is still very weak and tired, but the TPN will help this.
He is to see a general internist the beginning of next week to see if there is any other investigations needed and we are still waiting on some lab work that takes a week to ten days.
We still do not have a confirmed cause (whether viral or not ) for this opsoclonus myclonus.
Please continue to pray for healing of symptoms, doctors to determine cause of illness and daily strength for Jon both physical and emotional.
Thank you for loving us as a family.
The Craig's

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Thursday May 3

PTL! Jon has had a much better day today. The PICC line is in, and he will be receiving all the nutrition he needs starting tonight. He has not vomited for 24 hours. More test results came back and again were all negative. The hope is that the steroids and new medication that were started are having an effect.

Your continued prayers for better days for the whole family are appreciated (and working!)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

First Post

Welcome to the Craig Blog
Jon, Teresa,
Joshua, Zachary,
Alexandra, and Sam
As many of you are aware, Jon has been ill since April 5, 2007. He was admitted to the Sturgeon General Hospital on April 26, 2007.
Jon's symptoms have included nausea, vomiting and dizziness this entire time. The battery of tests that he has had so far have produced no answers. This blog has been set-up to keep you updated on how you can be praying for the family.
Jon will have a PICC line inserted into a central vein on May 3 at 0900. This will allow for TPN which will provide all of Jon's nutritional needs.
Pray for guidance for the Doctors, that Jon would have relief of his symptoms, and for rest and strength for Teresa.
James 5:15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.