Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday May 19th

Hello all, just a note to let you know Jon is very happy to be home, not that we didn't get great care in hospital because we did. There is just no place like home. He continues to throw up once a day, but he has not lost any more weight since Tuesday. My dad arrived on Wednesday and the kids are enjoying wrestling with him, playing games and even baking (Sam). My dad has been walking with Jon twice a day weather permitting around the neighbourhood. Again please continue to pray for patience for Jon as activities of daily living remain a challenge. Being at home allows him to be with the kids and he is enjoying that also.
The Craig's


Catharine said...

Hi Teresa,
I just emailed you and then decided to re-check the blog. I am so happy that things are not regressing with Jon. We continue to pray for healing for him and for strength for the rest of you. I know that Jon is very frustrated right now and I pray that the Lord will help him through the times that he feels so discouraged. The "Footprints" poem just popped into my head right now amd I think that if we had the privilege of being able to peek at the footprints in the sands of Jon's life, and yours too for that matter, that we would only see one set of footprints. Thank the Lord that we do not have to bear these burdens by ourselves - He is with us every step of the way.

Missing you lots through all of this and wishing that I could do more to help.



Ann Donaldson said...

No updates since May 19th so I'm going with the old standby, "no news is good news". I'm happy to hear Jon is home, and moving in a positive direction.

The Bible has so many GREAT versus that it's always hard to narrow it down to just one, but for today I offer ... "Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Continued Blessings to the Craig family.


Ann Donaldson said...

Okay, that would be "verses" not "versus" ... busy day at the office (blame Gary and Frank)!
